Posted in Blog, Celebrities, Inspirations, Music, Religion

Everyone is their own worst enemy.

People try to say the president’s the enemy, fake news is the enemy, when in reality people’s minds and imagination are their own worst enemies.  Kanye got it right when he said he doesn’t like being told what to do or what he can and cannot wear.  Exactly.  I don’t side with people who command me to think a certain way as if I can’t think any way else.  No one controls me except for myself.  People can give suggestions and make ads, but at the end of the day I make my own decisions.

It’s amusing to watch half the country go into hysteria over things that aren’t even true.  I’m just sitting back here, eating my popcorn watching the “news” and wondering what will they rage about next.  If only they raged about things where it counted.

Things that I am concerned about:

  • Obama and democrats never kept any of their campaign promises yet it scares me people keep wanting to vote for democrats.
  • Why do democrat officials care more about illegal children and illegal families than the black people that voted them in?  Black people didn’t vote for democrats to take care of illegals and these democrat officials are abusing their power to gather more voters from other countries so they can stay in power.
  • Why aren’t left extremists concerned about the racist comments that Diamond & Silk get for being black conservatives?
  • If democrat officials care more about children so much why are they so mad when people want to out law abortion?  I saw one comment that said all the people who are against abortion should adopt.  I said, excuse me?  It’s not my responsibility to take care of someone else’s kid.  That’s THEIR responsibility, not the government’s.
  • Why can a previous president like Obama sit here and slander our current president?  Most presidents just retire without a peep.  Yet it’s okay for Obama and Hillary to try to undermine our current president.
  • Why aren’t they concerned that people can slander someone for votes?  Many people tell me I’d make a great politician for California and that I’d actually get things done.  I said I refuse to run because I don’t put up with people gossiping about me and lying about me to get people to not vote for me.
  • Why aren’t the left extremists concerned that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford lied about assault allegations?  Those who lie about assault should get the equal punishment as if someone were to be found guilty.  Notice how the “news” doesn’t bring up Dr. Christine Blasey Ford anymore after the democrats failed with Christine to not get Brett Kavanaugh nominated.  That right there should tell people this was all a political hit job when no one seems to be too concerned whether or not she’s going to go further with the investigation.
  • Why weren’t the left extremists concerned about children in cages when Obama put kids in cages in 2014?
  • Why weren’t the left extremists concerned about the land being stolen from the Indians when Obama was president?
  • If black lives matter so much to the left extremists, why won’t they talk about the daily violence that occurs in Chicago where blacks kill each other every single day like it’s nothing?  A good kid in Chicago got murdered on his way to the store by some thugs – and this is no cops involved.
  • Illegals cutting people in line who are waiting ten years to properly become legal citizens.
  • Illegals taking away resources from our homeless children and homeless families who are legal citizens.
  • Democrat officials like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters don’t have any concerns about the people in their own districts who are homeless.
  • 16,000 people in San Francisco logged complaints about poop being in the streets of San Francisco.
  • We can’t post political stickers on our property because certain people will disrespect our property if they see a red hat or red sticker.
  • CNN and pro-democrat networks never get punished for saying offensive things on live TV.  Yet when people took Roseanne’s joke out of context, she lost her whole show.
  • Why are celebrities telling us how to live and who we should vote for when they’re rich billionaires and they have different policies than us?  Why should I take orders from these millionaires and billionaires?
  • Why aren’t some people enraged that democrats like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and their people never get locked up and only Republicans ever get arrested?  Why would I want to vote for a side whose people can get away with a crime if they know the right people?  One rule for all – period.  The day Hillary Clinton gets locked up for murdering Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, Seth Rich and countless others will be a great day when justice is finally served.  She’s getting away with all these murders and making it look like they were suicides.  And yet all people care about is that she is a woman and they want a first woman president.  They don’t care what kind of woman she is.

Another great video:

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