Posted in Blog, Inspirations

I just can’t be mean even if I tried.

I have two homeless former friends.  However, this post is about the former friend that I knew since we were 14-years-old.  I had enough reading his self-pitying tweets how he was saying no one would help him.  I was bored so I kept checking up on his Twitter even though we hadn’t talked in 3 years.  He was complaining about offing himself and how he’s a disappointment to his mother and family.  His younger brother is already dead and now he’s a failure.  I said the following things to him so he wouldn’t be a failure to his family.

Rather than being mean and rejoicing in his failures for what he did to me, I decided to send him a text to see if he would listen to what I say…especially when he says how no one wants to help him.

I had texted him on a Google Voice number and didn’t say who I was.  We hadn’t talked in 3 years.  And even though we didn’t talk in 3 years he knew who I was without saying my name, lmao!  I’m thinking what a jackass.  He ended a 14+ year old friendship for no reason.  And now he’s complaining about his other friends who he knew for 14 years doing that to him and he did that to me.

I told him I was not mad anymore for what he did since he’s got bigger issues being homeless in San Francisco and no one helping him.

I will not give him any money but I told him how he could make some money fast.

I gave him some ideas of how to get out of the hot sun and cold nights.

I said I would work two jobs and work until midnight, that way I would have a place to go and I’m making money while I’m at it.  Then, he would make enough for a hotel.

He could also write books for 99 cents.

As soon as he gets money he needs to pay off his car first so he doesn’t have any more major bills and he will have a vehicle to travel around in.

I also suggested a gym membership – place to shower – it looks like a friend helped him with a membership which is good.

I told him how when I had no job no one helped me and I had to overdraft and take out cash advances because I can only count on very few people.

So he won’t get any money from me, but I could give him some valuable advice.

I told him he can ignore me or he can still be homeless and complain about being a failure.  It’s whatever he wants to do.

I’m curious if he will listen to my advice or not.  And working two jobs will keep him busy to not think about being homeless and having no place to go all the time.

Posted in Blog, Inspirations, Politics, Religion

Twitter Censorship is out of control.

I don’t know why anyone would want to vote for a side where they suspend your account for simply disagreeing with the head admin’s politics.

I was not insulting anyone on my @theqball4 account on twitter and jack just suspended me for no reason. The worst I called people was a loser and I used sarcasm to answer sarcasm…that didn’t call for a suspension considering Republicans get death threats every day and Twitter Support doesn’t suspend those resist accounts.

Yet, the people called me nasty names are still able to post on Twitter.

The last beef I got into on there was when people said if I don’t support abortion then I should adopt someone’s kid. I told people why is it my or the government’s responsibility to care for someone else’s kid? Shouldn’t that be the parents’ job???

For people who claim to care about kids I don’t see how aborting one’s own offspring or giving your own child away for someone else to adopt is caring.

I also mentioned how atheists want to act holier than thou but I have never heard of any atheist groups helping the homeless the way churches do.

Usually, I get an email to say which post it was that triggered jack and I didn’t receive any email at all.

Jack just flat out suspended my twitter account for no reason whatsoever.

This has to be infringing on my free speech rights and something should be able to be done about it.

Posted in Blog, Inspirations, Politics, Reviews

Presentation Matters.

If people are talking to others in a particular way and they’re not getting the results they want, it’s probably how they talk to people.

If someone cut you in line how would you respond?

Aggressive: Do you always make a habit of cutting in front of someone else?

Passive: That’s ok, stay there.

Passive-Aggressive:  That’s ok, cut in front of me even though I was here first.

Assertive: Excuse me, the line is back there.

I shut people off when they say things like “Educate yourself” or if they talk to me like that.  I tend to say things back like: “If you’re the one who is supposed to be the teacher, why are you asking questions?”  I don’t know who they think they are and who they think they’re talking to when they speak like that.

I hear what people are saying about the president and other things, but because they’re childish and they insult anyone that merely disagrees with them, I cannot support people who aren’t respectful of how others think.

It’s like I have to have their opinion or else what I say doesn’t matter to them.

If that’s the case then, I still stick by what I believe in and I won’t allow people to use me for a vote if they don’t care why I think the way I do.

I’m not a programmed robot.  I don’t repeat lines said to me by the TV/media or by the president.

If people think they can fool me and that I’ll believe whatever the media says, they’ll be in for a real surprise.  I’m not as gullible as half of the United States who are going into mass hysteria over made up lies by the media.



Posted in Blog, Inspirations, Politics


I’m absolutely floored that there are still people who are going to vote for democrats.  I’m like, really? Why?  Can anyone legit answer my question as to why anyone would still vote for a democrat at this day and age after the sore loserish ways they’ve been behaving this past week alone?

This is recent:

  • Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton call for violence on Republicans in public (I thought this was the party of peace and tolerance.)
  • The social media tech giants IE: Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook demonetize sites that promote conservative values.  Doesn’t that scare any democrat supporter that those social media tech giants silence those who don’t agree with them?  I don’t recall conservatives silencing democrats when Obama won.
  • Elizabeth Warren lied about being Native American for the benefits – real Indian tribes disowned her after they found out she wasn’t a full Indian, only 1/1024th or however much she was.  She was only a tiny drop of Indian but she wanted to say that was her whole identity.
  • They lied about Kavanuagh to not get him nominated – When the Dr. Ford plan didn’t work she disappeared from the media after the media wanted to get everyone to “believe women.”  She never got punished for making up assault charges.
  • Don Lemon attacked Kanye’s dead mother and called Kanye racist names on live TV.  (Why isn’t the left raging about that?  I really don’t understand.  I thought they were against racism???)
  • Beto O’Rourke drove drunk 20+ years ago.  Since we want to talk about what people did 20 – 30 years ago, why does Beto get a free pass in drinking?  He wasn’t drinking at a college party, he was driving drunk!  I know people who drink alcohol and they have never driven drunk so saying because he was young once is no excuse.

Why the double standard?  Why is it a crime if Republicans do something yet the feminileftists are not outraged when a democrat man assaults women.  They believe the man when a democrat gets accused?

This is ridiculous and flat out bias.

I will never vote for a democrat.  They don’t call out racism when a democrat says offensive and racist things about a Republican.

Posted in Blog, Inspirations, Politics, Religion

Thinking about what to do about this.

A while back I had lent a then friend some money.  It wasn’t just $5 or $10, it was $150.  I really didn’t want to give that person any money because I knew that person would never pay me back.  I pitied my Internet friend and so I decided to help because Internet Friend was/is also homeless.  I hadn’t spoken to this former friend in a month or two because I was done allowing this individual to say offensive things about my beliefs.  The former friend may not have directly insulted me, but the “friend” was insulting everything I ever believed in so that “friend” may as well have been insulting me directly.

I told that “friend” that God exists because He removes people like that toxic person from my life and hadn’t spoken since.  A while has passed since that incident.  I decided to check out my former friend’s Twitter a day or two ago to see if former friend’s way has changed at all after we stopped being friends.  That person is still the same old self-pitying individual.

Part of me wants to send a message asking about my money.  Another part of me keeps telling myself I should be glad such an ungrateful person like that is no longer in my life.  I don’t need that person’s toxic energy and that I should cut my losses.  It’s the fact that this individual thinks it can pester me for my money and then insult me all in the same breath has me flabbergasted.  

I’m tempted to tag this person so that people know who I am talking about but I’m trying to be mature about it.  And that person’s life is miserable enough.  But does that person have the right to demand me to give some of my hard earned money and then not pay me back just because that person’s life is so miserable?  Does that person have the right to treat me the way that person did?

I could have gone out to eat with that $150 and enjoyed myself.  I didn’t have to lend it to that bastard, especially knowing that person would not pay me back.  It’s not my problem to solve other people’s problems.  I’ve been better about money lately and I’m not going to give it away like that ever again.  This was a while back.

I kept wondering if I was in that same exact situation – homeless, would that same person asking me for money give me $150 if I asked?  I kept wondering that.

Here’s what will happen if I decide to send a message:

1- I’m still not going to get my money back even if I say a few choice words to that person so what’s the point to say anything at all after we have not talked in almost two months?

2- That person still will not find anything wrong with the way it thinks.

So after analyzing this situation, I’m just going to bite my tongue and continue to try to not let it bother me and to focus on the good people in my life.

I pray that some good karma will come my way after this person treated me so horribly and didn’t pay me back.

This is why I haven’t lent people money in a long time.  Only one person has ever attempted to pay me back.  The next time anyone ever asks me for money, I’m going to say no because no one ever really pays me back.  And plus, I have my own bills to pay.