Posted in Blog

WordPress Chatroom


I’m interested in reading some blogs and was wondering if there are any other like minded individuals like me.  What’s good on WordPress?

Even if I don’t agree with people on things, as long as people are respectful about the differences I am willing to get to know other bloggers.

Too many people have been disrespectful toward me for disagreeing with them when they couldn’t care less to understand how or why I support and think the way I do.  They just fly off the handle with insults which has caused me to not want to make more friends if people are going to behave that way.

I have my beliefs and I don’t change my beliefs for anyone.  And so far, no one has given me any good reason why I should change any of my beliefs.

I’m looking to connect with people who can:

  • have mature conversations
  • are polite/respectful
  • People who do as they say
  • People who can admit when they’re wrong after they’ve been presented undeniable facts
  • People who can apologize when they’ve done something wrong to someone.

I’ve often noticed that many people will say one thing and then do another or that they will never apologize to someone when they’ve hurt someone – I don’t need those types of people in my life.

I’m looking to connect with people who are looking to have personal growth on their journey of becoming better people than we were the day before and just growing, maturing, getting rid of any of our bad habits.

I don’t need toxic energy around me.

I’d like to remain positive about things even if it seems hopeless sometimes.

It’s always great to vent about situations to get things off one’s chest however, my current goal is trying not to hold grudges against people and letting bygones be bygones and focusing on the people in my life who are treating me right and who do appreciate me.

Thanks for understanding and I look forward to getting to know others on here.



Posted in Blog, Inspirations, Politics


I’m absolutely floored that there are still people who are going to vote for democrats.  I’m like, really? Why?  Can anyone legit answer my question as to why anyone would still vote for a democrat at this day and age after the sore loserish ways they’ve been behaving this past week alone?

This is recent:

  • Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton call for violence on Republicans in public (I thought this was the party of peace and tolerance.)
  • The social media tech giants IE: Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook demonetize sites that promote conservative values.  Doesn’t that scare any democrat supporter that those social media tech giants silence those who don’t agree with them?  I don’t recall conservatives silencing democrats when Obama won.
  • Elizabeth Warren lied about being Native American for the benefits – real Indian tribes disowned her after they found out she wasn’t a full Indian, only 1/1024th or however much she was.  She was only a tiny drop of Indian but she wanted to say that was her whole identity.
  • They lied about Kavanuagh to not get him nominated – When the Dr. Ford plan didn’t work she disappeared from the media after the media wanted to get everyone to “believe women.”  She never got punished for making up assault charges.
  • Don Lemon attacked Kanye’s dead mother and called Kanye racist names on live TV.  (Why isn’t the left raging about that?  I really don’t understand.  I thought they were against racism???)
  • Beto O’Rourke drove drunk 20+ years ago.  Since we want to talk about what people did 20 – 30 years ago, why does Beto get a free pass in drinking?  He wasn’t drinking at a college party, he was driving drunk!  I know people who drink alcohol and they have never driven drunk so saying because he was young once is no excuse.

Why the double standard?  Why is it a crime if Republicans do something yet the feminileftists are not outraged when a democrat man assaults women.  They believe the man when a democrat gets accused?

This is ridiculous and flat out bias.

I will never vote for a democrat.  They don’t call out racism when a democrat says offensive and racist things about a Republican.

Posted in Blog, Inspirations, Politics, Religion

Thinking about what to do about this.

A while back I had lent a then friend some money.  It wasn’t just $5 or $10, it was $150.  I really didn’t want to give that person any money because I knew that person would never pay me back.  I pitied my Internet friend and so I decided to help because Internet Friend was/is also homeless.  I hadn’t spoken to this former friend in a month or two because I was done allowing this individual to say offensive things about my beliefs.  The former friend may not have directly insulted me, but the “friend” was insulting everything I ever believed in so that “friend” may as well have been insulting me directly.

I told that “friend” that God exists because He removes people like that toxic person from my life and hadn’t spoken since.  A while has passed since that incident.  I decided to check out my former friend’s Twitter a day or two ago to see if former friend’s way has changed at all after we stopped being friends.  That person is still the same old self-pitying individual.

Part of me wants to send a message asking about my money.  Another part of me keeps telling myself I should be glad such an ungrateful person like that is no longer in my life.  I don’t need that person’s toxic energy and that I should cut my losses.  It’s the fact that this individual thinks it can pester me for my money and then insult me all in the same breath has me flabbergasted.  

I’m tempted to tag this person so that people know who I am talking about but I’m trying to be mature about it.  And that person’s life is miserable enough.  But does that person have the right to demand me to give some of my hard earned money and then not pay me back just because that person’s life is so miserable?  Does that person have the right to treat me the way that person did?

I could have gone out to eat with that $150 and enjoyed myself.  I didn’t have to lend it to that bastard, especially knowing that person would not pay me back.  It’s not my problem to solve other people’s problems.  I’ve been better about money lately and I’m not going to give it away like that ever again.  This was a while back.

I kept wondering if I was in that same exact situation – homeless, would that same person asking me for money give me $150 if I asked?  I kept wondering that.

Here’s what will happen if I decide to send a message:

1- I’m still not going to get my money back even if I say a few choice words to that person so what’s the point to say anything at all after we have not talked in almost two months?

2- That person still will not find anything wrong with the way it thinks.

So after analyzing this situation, I’m just going to bite my tongue and continue to try to not let it bother me and to focus on the good people in my life.

I pray that some good karma will come my way after this person treated me so horribly and didn’t pay me back.

This is why I haven’t lent people money in a long time.  Only one person has ever attempted to pay me back.  The next time anyone ever asks me for money, I’m going to say no because no one ever really pays me back.  And plus, I have my own bills to pay.