Posted in Blog, Inspirations, Politics, Reviews

Presentation Matters.

If people are talking to others in a particular way and they’re not getting the results they want, it’s probably how they talk to people.

If someone cut you in line how would you respond?

Aggressive: Do you always make a habit of cutting in front of someone else?

Passive: That’s ok, stay there.

Passive-Aggressive:  That’s ok, cut in front of me even though I was here first.

Assertive: Excuse me, the line is back there.

I shut people off when they say things like “Educate yourself” or if they talk to me like that.  I tend to say things back like: “If you’re the one who is supposed to be the teacher, why are you asking questions?”  I don’t know who they think they are and who they think they’re talking to when they speak like that.

I hear what people are saying about the president and other things, but because they’re childish and they insult anyone that merely disagrees with them, I cannot support people who aren’t respectful of how others think.

It’s like I have to have their opinion or else what I say doesn’t matter to them.

If that’s the case then, I still stick by what I believe in and I won’t allow people to use me for a vote if they don’t care why I think the way I do.

I’m not a programmed robot.  I don’t repeat lines said to me by the TV/media or by the president.

If people think they can fool me and that I’ll believe whatever the media says, they’ll be in for a real surprise.  I’m not as gullible as half of the United States who are going into mass hysteria over made up lies by the media.